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Modeling Forgiveness


This morning I woke up feeling slightly irritated. I have a mild sore throat (as a result of eating a piece of green chili with fish cake from the Yong Tau Fu stall yesterday) and had to change my plans for today. I am upset when I do not get to do my scheduled activities with Mendell. I shared with Nat my plan for the day which is mostly staying at home and I was frustrated that he could not understand the whole of my plan.

I started to feel my body heating up (it is always a sign that I need to calm down) then I recalled a video where I learned that I can always "reset my day" and that I should not blame others for how I feel. So I manage to anchor that thought and gradually, I feel my body more at ease.

Today's devotion from Our Daily Bread is indeed a message from God. Over the past few years, I have reconciled with friends and had mindset shifts and clarity on the problems in our friendships. When we chose to gather again, I realised that not only I have matured, so have my friends. I began to accept them for who they are and I constantly work to improve as a work-in-progress. However, there is still an important relationship that bothers me. Hence, my word for this year is "heal". God indeed is a living god and hears prayers. I am working to heal from this relationship though He has brought me the necessary resources and I know I have it in me but I'm still uncertain how things will go.

There is a link from Our Daily Bread and it brought me to the Discovery Series.

How do you handle your broken relationships? Ignore them? Attack the person? Manipulate the situation? Neglect timing, tact, and courtesy?

The right thing to do is to repair it by following the steps modeled by Christ: love, humility, suffering, invitation, and forgiveness. No one has all the answers, but following biblical principles can make a huge difference.

I found the answer to how I can heal through reading the comprehensive and helpful post. Only the Holy Spirit can help me to forgive and gradually stop resenting.

It also brings to mind that I can model forgiveness to Mendell. Motherhood indeed is Heartwork. Reflecting how God loves us so immensely that He sent Jesus to die for us. How the book of Hosea demonstrated God's love for Israel and still wanting His people back even though they were "promiscuous". His love is unconditional. If our love for our children and spouse should be similar, shouldn't we keep asking for the Holy Spirit to help us daily because it is impossible with our own effort?


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