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The Best Day

Today is Resurrection Sunday, and that it why I am free.  It really has been a while since I wrote anything.  I used to write a lot more, usually in the form of a physical diary.  I would love to write more.  It provides perspective about where I am in life when I do reflections.  Though I have reflections almost every single day.  I think I would enjoy creating an audio/video diary as well since I am quite an audio person.  Back to this blogspot account, I started writing simple thoughts since 25 June 2006.  This June it will be 13 years old.  That is about the time I started my first job after my Polytechnic studies.  Time really flies.  As I revisit my first post, I remember where I was.  It was post-first love breakup.  Back then, it was the darkest time of my life and I took really long to recover from it entirely.  Let's fast forward to now.  A lot have changed and I am in a better place but with different challenges in life.  I have learned that God is indeed faithful and will not forsake me wherever I am in life.

How life has been?

Life has been great!  I felt that I have been happy for a very long time.  I've moved to my new flat last year and I enjoy my new home.  For people who know me, I have been residing in my mother-in-law's place since I got married.  Hence, I have been with Nat's family for about 4.5 years (discounting the short period of time we experimented renting a place to stay).  The days at mummy-in-law's was hard, hard is underrated, it is probably one of the hardest period of my life?  I am not sure how I made it through, but Nat and I made it!  (For those of you who do not know what I have been through, it has got nothing to do with mummy-in-law.  She is the best thing in her flat.)  Maybe my mind chooses to forget the tough times, which may not be a good thing because by recalling bad times would likely make me appreciate the current situation even more. 

I have graduated.  After a really long time.  I am elated.  This may not have happened without Nat being my constant cheerleader and telling me that I could do it.  Thank God for preserving me, helping me to pull through despite my IBS.

I have an awesome job that I really want to glorify God's name.

Let me bring out the subject that is close to my heart, and hence the title of this post.

Nat and I have been together for close to 8 years and we have been married for 5 years.  I think we have been happy with each other for so long that sometimes it seems unreal to me.  Maybe it's the skeptical side of me, but I think when we do really have a problem, it might be quite a big one.  I am an anticipatory person who prepares for the rainy days.  I think our marriage problems aren't big but since I am a solver with little patience, I want problems to be eliminated as quick as possible.  Over the past few years, I have worked very hard and work has been really important to me.  Whenever I reflect on how far I've come, it's perplexing to understand what God has done for me, an undeserving individual.  It is by His grace, I am where I am.  I really do not know how I arrived at my current situation but I can only say, without God, nothing is possible.  The area that I am lacking in to contribute in a partnership is to help with household chores.  I do household chores once in a while but not on a regular basis.  The idea of doing chores tires me out when I get back from work.  But that is not to say that I do not do any.  I enjoy washing the bathrooms on a fortnightly or once per month basis.  After church today, I came home to have my personal training.  Subsequently, I sat down for a considerable amount of time thinking how I can have further self-development.  There are so many things that I want to experience but do not have the time to really develop.  After contemplating for a really long time, I decided to wash the bathroom.  As I clean up, I thought about how prisoners would have to wash the bathroom as part of their regime.  It disciplines them.  There may be a former millionaire, other white collar workers etc, who never had to do any chores before being incarcerated.  I dwelled in that thought for long, thinking about many what-ifs; like Nat left many chores undone.  It really was a wake-up call as I clean up.  It was refreshing as well, I had a lot of sweat and it was the most pleasant feeling ever.  I recalled a conversation I had with a friend and he told me that I should do more chores and be bored.  He said it would help me.  I didn't know what he meant until today.  It is cliche to say but today's the best day.  Been asking God how to work on a better marriage and the answer is to be a more collaborative wife.  I feel even happier now thinking that I have made Nat happier while he was out.



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