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Updates: 2014 - Present

Dear Blog,

It has been a while since I last wrote extensively.  Perhaps with some time on my hands now, I shall briefly update about what has been going on in my life.  Time really flies and I have been married for 2.5 years.  I'm in a blissful marriage, yes, I praise the Lord for that! :)  Nat and I are waiting for our flat which would approximately be available by the end of 2018 (considering renovations and all).  Regarding children, yes, Nat and I would love to be blessed with at least 2 children, but we are waiting for our flat (as mentioned) and also based on current circumstances and commitments, we shall wait.


During our honeymoon 2 years ago, I had my dreams came true; we visited London and caught a fleeting glimpse of Queen Elizabeth, and went to Vatican City, Sistine Chapel, saw the statue of David and admired the works of Michelangelo.  I am extremely elated and grateful.  Those memories would no doubt be stored in my long-term memory.

I also returned to church 2 years ago.  God led me to Bedok Lutheran Church.  During 1 sermon, the preacher was preaching about the Prodigal Son; I sensed that the Holy Spirit was speaking to me because I could strongly relate to this particular parable.


Travelled with my 2 best friends.  Finally with the both of them!


Some personal goals that I had was to read widely.  As an English undergraduate, the books that came along with it helped.   I would love to read even more; much more.

I can never thank God enough for my job!  I love my job and I'm growing a lot as a person.  However, I think I need to remind myself that God is my priority, followed by my family.  Help me not to lose sight!

I also sensed a seachange in my life, re-prioritising sometimes makes me feel like I have fewer friends, but I guess this is the season in my life that I'm given leadership and responsibilities and I will do my best to serve God.


While I doubt anyone close to me is reading this (except for Nat), I am somewhat sure I will read this again sometime in the future.  All I want to say at this point is, I am extremely grateful to God for all that I have and my prayer is for Him to mold me to be the kind of person He wants me to be.



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