The last time I picked up my pen to seriously write an essay was some years back and I have held back on writing for a while. It has in fact been a long while. I have even destroyed some of my well-thought through writings to destroy some memories. (I regret it a little.) So history may be reinvented. (That's what I thought.) At least there's no supporting evidences. I have not put writing as a priority therefore I have not been touching much of it. Finally I am missing it after reading another of Murakami's work, Norwegian Wood. This is my third Murakami book. Why do his works attract me? I guess I find his writings very absurd but not impossible to happen. Someone said to me that a good author understands human behaviour quite well. Did Murakami write to please? In certain ways, the protagonists in his books are ordinary human beings. Their emotions are rational and predictable because as a reader, I listen to the protagonists' train of thoughts. However, just like when I have finished the Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (WUBC), I felt like I didn't really know the protagonist at all and what he did was really out of the world. I remember how I felt when I started on the first few chapters of WUBC - I couldn't stop reading but as I approached the end, I didn't know why it ended that way. It is good for me though as it is unlike many other books that have predictable endings. The takeaway for me is that life is full of uncertainties and ambiguities; sometimes things just aren't as clear as you want them to be.
My personal perspective on the City Harvest Church fiasco: #1. God is omnipresent (present everywhere), omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing) and God knew about this episode. I believe God is watching.; #2. The CAD does not charge without concrete evidence (they have taken sufficient time to investigate - 2 years). May justice prevail.; #3. It is unavoidable for members of the public with little information about Christianity to judge. It is also one of my weaknesses to be quick to judge/form negative impression about others, which is unhealthy.; #4. I believe to a certain extent, the message of giving and tithing is relatively strong in City Harvest Church - I may be wrong. (fyi, I have visited the church a couple of times) My personal belief is that it is important to give to God because God is the creator of everything that exists. He owns everything and we are simply stewards of what we have been entrusted with. Though I h...