On 27th November (Wednesday), Pastor Rodney came into Christian Outreach to the Handicapped (my workplace) to give a devotion sharing on Thanksgiving. He told us that the next day is the Thanksgiving Day in America. I have heard about this occasion and most American TV series portrayed that there would be a huge feast for this particular day. He said that the Thanksgiving Day falls on the last Thursday of November and for this year, it fell on my mother's birthday. My family, including my fiance, had planned to have a simple dinner celebration with my folks. Not coincidentally (I believe it was God's plan), it was also our (Nat & I) 27th Monthiversary on the same day. The devotion sharing was a timely message. It was like God telling me through one of His servants to give thanks and appreciate the most important people of my life. He did list down the list of things we should reflect and be thankful for and truly, I believe I am blessed...