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The Kind of Life I Want

Yesterday during my sharing session at work, I talked about a TED Talk, The museum of you that I watched before I arrived at work.  I wanted to say something about September 11 but didn't know which aspect.  After watching the video, I was reminded about the topic of my colleague's sharing a week ago on "Memories".  He talked about how important it was for him to be reminded of God's goodness on a daily basis.  He wanted to bequeath a legacy of journal writings about how God worked in his life.  The sharing also included other mementoes he kept as reminders.  I think it will be great for every person to have short videos on significant moments of their lives.  The videos may include interviews with people involved in the event.  After all, Alzheimer's disease may occur to anyone, at anytime.

The second part of my sharing was what I had prepared.  It was about discipline and self-control.  I talked about the differences between the two and how difficult it was for me to be disciplined in a few areas of my life.  I quoted the example of waking up early and heading for a jog after my quiet time.  If I wake up early, I will have more time to jog.  It has been a challenge for me these few days to do so because of the cooling weather.  

When I look at my life, there are 3 major areas that I want to manage better.

a) Time
b) Health
c) Finances

This evening I brought Happy (my dog) to the vet and found out that her liver problem has worsen.  It was devastating to us.  She will be going for an ultrasound scan on Monday and after that we will have a clearer picture of her health condition.  Life is short.  I don't know whether Happy feels old now that she is 12.5 years old.  From a human perspective, I can't believe so much time has passed and I do not want to know how much time she is left with.

As I have shared with my colleagues, 1 of the things I do daily lately is to record the number of days I am left with (assuming that I live till 85 years old, which is the average Singaporean female life expectancy).  It is a habit that I want to impart to my children (future tense).  To count each day as important and savour every little blessing.

The Kind of Life I Want is the life that glorifies God. :)

(blogged on 12 September 2013)


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