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Rise Early & Appreciate

This morning was my turn to do devotion sharing at work.  This time it was different because I did not rehearse at home prior to my sharing.  I had an early night yesterday because I had a late night out on Monday with my sisters.  The night before, I talked to God and requested to rise early the next morning.  In my heart, I have the desire to stroll with my Daddy and Happy for sometime but I just can't seem to wake up early.

The alarm clock woke me up at 5am but I was quite tired so I rested for another 25 minutes or so.  I wanted to lie on my bed further just for a few moments but I heard the jingling sound of the keys and buckling of the leash.  So I got up immediately and dashed to the door to stop my Dad.  I told him that I'll join them in a few minutes.  

During our stroll, my Dad mentioned how Happy was slowly aging, just like any other human.  He also shared that my Mum has very recently started on an additional part time job.  It made me realise a few things:-

  • I need to be spending more time with my family because I won't know when it will be the last time.  
  • My parents are really industrious and they did their best to provide for the family.
  • I totally enjoyed my Dad's company and it reminded me how much both himself and Happy have aged.
After our stroll, I went to my favourite park to spend time with God.  I could sense His presence while I meditate on His Word.  He reminded me that "... I (He) will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5, NKJV)."  

I was quite productive for the rest of the morning before I reached my workplace.  In the midst, I was able to:  

  1. Appreciate the landscape from my flat before sunrise.
  2. Exercise by climbing stairs and doing light workout.
  3. Have sufficient time to pray for others and give thanks.
  4. Listen to meaningful talks.

I was listening to a TED Talk by Neil Pasricha on the The 3A's of Awesome, who is also the author of the blog 1000 Awesome Things.  

The 3A's are:

It was a wonderful day with God reminding me that I should not take life for granted and always give thanks and count my blessings.  Hopefully, I will be able to make what I did today sustainable because it made me really happy!  :)



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