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My Thoughts on Sticker Girl

When I first saw a post on my Facebook news feed on sticker girl's spray painting, I thought it was part of the Singapore Arts Festival. I was impressed and thought "Wow! Finally something daring..." However, days later I realised it was not. Those stickers looked so professionally done that I found it hard to classify as vandalism.

I believe the Singapore law has stated quite explicitly on vandalism is. However, for Sticker Girl's case, it is not just about pasting stickers with creative lines, it also involved spray painting on the road which is essentially the public property. There will be effort and cost incurred to remove the paint.

Let's imagine if someone spray paints at your doorstep. No matter what the paint reads and how artistic it looks, it is high chance you will not be happy about it as it was done without your permission. Moreover, you can't peel it off like how you remove a sticker.

I have signed an online petition for sticker girl to receive a lighter punishment. I did it not because I don't see her act as a form of vandalism but because I like her courage to express creativity. Actually, I really wonder why did Sticker Girl choose to display her artwork in such a manner. Is there a hidden agenda?

Anyway, I wish the best for Sticker Girl and hope she learns something more about our country and this episode.

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