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Cherish the Treasure

Since I have some spare time at work, I have decided to blog, secretly.

Today marks the 6th month of my relationship with Nat. In my/our own world it actually felt like 6 years. Since the inception of our relationship, I have hope that it will be eternal.  Relationships of the past have been short term. 

Just a bit from what I've read recently.

As revealed in the first few chapters of Sex at Dawn, women prefers to settle down with men who protect and provide for them monetarily, whereas men get married to father children and spread their genes. I have not read the book completely but it attempts to explain the reasons behind infidelity.  Though it may seem like we, mankind are pragmatic, to a certain extend I agree.  Is true romantic love impossible? 

Though I am one for the existing society norms and believe that monogamy is the way to go (unlike Samantha of Sex and the City), I can comprehend the struggles to staying in a loveless relationship for the sake of provision and other ‘emotional physiological needs’. However, I would like to clarify that I do condemn disloyalty though I wish I can be less harsh.  If one is a cassonova, let him/her forgo marriage.

That having said, I am aware of the evil side of human, therefore I seek never to slide to the dark side by educating myself the dangers lurking. Succumbing to temptation destroys good relationships.  May God guard our hearts.

While I have not discussed what I value in a relationship, besides mentioning surface qualities above I am very glad that each time I reflect on the times Nat and I spent, I am more and more certain that we are meant to be where we are now.

At this point, I received a beautiful vase of carnations and other assortment of flowers which was being delivered to me at my office. Every day it seems, is a renewal of my faith that I have made the right choice of being in this partnership.

Thanks Nat for loving me. I will cherish this treasure of you.


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