Nicole Seah (NSP for Marine Parade GRC)

Raymond Lim (NSP for Tampines GRC)
6th May 2011: Photos from Pre-election Day
GE2011 has been a truly memorable experience for me.
Prior to nomination day, I have been trying to find out
which opposition party and the candidates
who will be involved.
I believe that everything happens for a reason and every decision made
should be a responsible one.
In order to make an informed decision,
one has to know the options, understand the issues
and search for the best possible solution.
Of course I have to make a disclaimer that
there is no guarantee that your decision is the
best or correct choice.
I am happy to have researched before I decided
to volunteer with NSP and I'm grateful for
the friends I have made, knowledge that I have gained and
experience I will not trade anything for.
If you have been reading my previous few blog entries,
I would like to update you that I have emailed to
Mr. Masagoes Zulkifli again this week.
Hopefully he will respond to me within 3 - 4 months?
Thereafter, I will write him another email to remind
him if he has overlooked.
In the meantime, the likelihood of attending
Meet the People Session by Tampines GRC (PAP) is on my cards.
My purpose is to understand what are their plans
for Tampines and the aspects that our 5 MPs are involved in.
Personally, my objective is to be well-informed and as the
role of a concerned citizen, I want to get to know the story from
both sides (PAP, the ruling party & the opposition party).
I do not agree that life is fair and answerable to everyone.
But I believe that everyone should be accountable to
themselves and the people whom they are responsible for.
Pam Petite