There is always two sides to a coin,
unless both sides are the same, you'll have officially zero options.
In order for one to comment on something wholeheartedly,
he/she has to have a good understanding of the issue at hand.
I shall not say that a person needs a thorough grip of
any given situation because there's always a degree of grey area in between.
Just take relationships for instance,
a girl may feel connected to a guy through the following possibilities:-
1. First impression,
2. Topics of interest,
3. Similar lifestyle habits,
4. Similar / Extreme differences in family background or culture,
5. Similarities in core values and principles of life,
6. Et cetera(s) (Guy carries a handkerchief - reminds the girl of her Dad)
List above is non-exhaustive.
In point #4, I have typed "Similar / Extreme differences",
let me make a disclaimer here that this is one of the initial traits
that I observed that some of my friends and myself are able to accept
as negotiables.
Either an individual embraces the differences or he/she
falls in the category which reads "Similar".
I believe that no matter how close
physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually,
it is almost impossible to have no hidden aspects between
a person and another.
This is why there is the quotation that says,
"Change is the only constant."
A couple may find it hard to understand
each other over a period of time.
Some people may find it laborious to understand
who they truly are because, not only the internal voices
are speaking to their souls, the external voices
are subconsciously entering their bodies and souls
without their acknowledgement and hence, realisation.
In summary,
though I am a believer of "Right & Wrong" and "Black & White"
there is always some space in between for us to accept a neutral perspective.
(That's when the coin falls onto the ground and
starts rolling about for a while)
This grey region, though misty or cloudy,
allows us as information-absorbing creatures to receive
more raw data and input accordingly.
As for matters of the heart,
I have to say that
we got to hold on to each other in love and faith (when all else fails).
Pam Petite