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Election Day in Singapore (7th May 2011)

Election Day in Singapore is just around the corner on the 7th May 2011 (Sat), honestly, I am not one who keeps up with politics and I must admit I've been really apathetic but that is not without a reason.

Mostly, I am not upset by any major policies or changes made by the ruling party in Singapore, not because it does not affect my life but because I adapt and face the challenges. With the elections coming up, I am pleasantly surprised that finally for one, I get to vote (my "voice" can be heard or at least I make a stand) for two, finally in Tampines we have an alternative voice. I have read through the National Solidarity Party's website and looked through the Manifesto, I believe that the changes could improve my life.

The main change I am waiting for is at the Housing Policy, I have to admit that it stresses me out at the thought of getting my first matrimonial flat which I intend to do within the next few years. Both my partner and I are working and studying very hard because we are striving our best to build our future. As a result, the both of us do not place marriage on our cards because we simply cannot overcome the thought of having to fork out a hefty sum of more than $200,000 for a flat. This is also the reason why the mean age of Singaporeans getting married is later and therefore, low fertility rate. I personally would love to have at least 2 children but here I am, turning 26, working and doing part-time studies, even freelancing and picking up as many skills as I can since I am still young, in order to enrich myself and stay competent. I am not complaining, honestly, I enjoy working, studying and learning a lot of different skills but at the end of the day, I just want to establish a happy family (and not until 10 years or more down the road). However, before doing so, I need to do a lot of preparation work because at the rate things are going, I can't (afford) the best future I have in mind.

I respect and acknowledge what the ruling party has done for our country but some important policies just need an urgent adjustment at this juncture.

In conclusion, I believe that God has blessed Singapore richly and I pray that He will continue to watch over our country. :)


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