"Hello, nice meeting you..." I greeted with a smile.
"Nice meeting you, Pamela..." replied the talented Mr Gaimen.

I'm SO going to have sweet dreams...

HR & I
Thank you for accompanying me to meet
Mr Gaimen!
I sincerely appreciate it!

Happy Halloween!!!

Great acting by CY!
We laughed for a good few seconds or even a minute
after this shot was taken!

Just me...
Yea, as you can tell...
I'm up to no good!
Naughty thoughts for tricks are filling up my mind!!!
This is my favourite from the group.
It's humongous!
I was @ the Crocodile Farm for my ACRES project with
my new-found friend.
It was an interesting, eye-opening experience for me as
I haven't had a close encounter with the wild in a while.
I truly enjoyed myself.
Gil grinning from ear to ear
Alrighty folks,
I'm extremely exhausted... (now, literally at this present moment)
Been catching up with friends,
volunteering, doing things that
I enjoy deep down etc.
Pretty much the kinda life
I want to live...
Just watch Julie & Julia...
It was an awesome movie!
It made me think...
Who is my role model?
Who do I aspire to be like?
I believe there are several people
that I truly want to learn from...
Well and I do believe that
when I am committed to do something,
I want to do it well!
Shall update more the next time!
Sharing is learning :D
Goodnight / Bonjour!
Signing off,
Pam Petite