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Dear Animal / Cat Lovers,
Kindly show your support for Cat Welfare Society &
the furry friends they're trying to help.
I found out about Rocky (a white cat with patches of grey)
through Facebook &
made a phone call to a caregiver named Penny.
Aplenty cats are being abandoned by their owners &
thus, many animal welfare groups are trying their best to
get volunteers & caregivers to take care of the cats temporary.
These caregivers already have plentiful animals to care for & nurse,
which means their funds are slowly depleting.
I don't know how you feel about this but it really breaks my heart
to see animals suffering when all of us are
creatures living on this earth.
Don't animals have rights to be treated kindly?
Don't we all share social responsibility to care for
the environment and creatures living among us?
This is what I gathered about Rocky:
His owner abandoned him together with a persian cat.
He has yet to be adopted & is currently about 2 years of age.
Rocky has a heart condition & fluids in his lungs &
requires funds to go through an operation.
He is presently at the Mount Pleasant Animal Hospital @ Whitley.
The bills can be quite costly.
Do lend a helping hand if possible.
Pamela Pang