Been trying to erase someone I love dearly out of my mind.
Seriously it's painful and the more I try to get it out,
the more it haunts me.
I dream about him;
when we were together, I had sweet dreams of us;
when we are no longer together,
I had either longing dreams of us or
simply dreams that will never come true.
As much as I do not want goodbye to last forever,
I try to do things to limit my bitterness - literally.
I apologise, if you're ever reading this.

Watched "7 Pounds".
I absolutely love Will Smith; his acting always touches my soul.
This film reminded me about a few things;
how would I know if someone is genuine & good?
what makes me want to trust them?
how this individual usually behaves?
how this person treats his/her neighbour?
If these people are such great people,
would I choose to sacrifice myself for these people?
Life is full of questions.
Am I being the person I want myself to be?

I like this painting by Wes Benscoter

Photograph of my idol, Steven Tyler by Kristin Callahan
Hope you enjoyed my post for today!