Here I am, partially daydreaming about visiting Paris while working.
I must admit I'm a semi-workaholic.
Been looking forward to my french class opening at the end of October.
I've always been interested in languages.
Currently, I'm trying to improve both my Mandarin & Cantonese; which are also subjects I'm enthusiastic about.
These days I've been feeling more calm.
Seems like time has really helped me to get on with life.
Saw this quote on Twitter: "Love sought is good, but given unsought is better." - William Shakespeare
Somehow this quote puts my mind a little at ease.
A huge part of me likes to do a little something when I meet someone I adore.
So now, I'm taking the back seat.
Well, if it is of your interest at all,
I'm at the stage where I just take things easy.
I wish him the best.
I do not wish to know that much.
For a truth-seeker like me,
it's pretty rare for me to let go.
But as life experiences have taught me,
much time has passed & time to flip to the next chapter.
xoxoxo, Pam