The Lovely Looking & Tasting Cake is from none other than my best best friend, Xue Ying!
I must say I am very touched! Though there is a promotion & the cake is at half price, I am still truly glad to receive this gift!
This year marks the 17th year of our treasured friendship. Till this day, the memory of our 1st encounter is still deeply embedded in my mind. The bag she was carrying & the exact design on it was almost as clear as clean seawater. We were the pioneers for our class as we were really early for school on the 1st day.
17 years later, my best friend is still my best friend.
Our youthful primary school days...
Exchanging letters during recess time when we got posted into different classes.
Hanging out at the library & malls.
Secondary school days...
We maintained our friendship well.
We met up after school.
Polytechnic period...
We meet up whenever we can.
As adults, we do think about each other once in a while...
Remembering all the times we went through together.
If I were to die today,
I highly suspect that the images of my bestie will flash through my mind.
Keeping sake of the best times of my life.