Deep in thought, she blinked her eyes. She was familiar with the angst she has always felt when people tried to intrude her life. She was born a private and selectively selfish person. Sometimes you would even mistaken her as a generous soul, other times you wonder do you actually knew her. Her shivering hand held up a meticulously scissored photograph, leaving a voluminous echo to the subjects of the picture. What appeared on the glossy surface were two sincere smiling faces; one was a 21 year old her. Undeniably the queen of the party. She remained almost stationary and glared ferociously; with the exception of a few strands of her long fizzy hair dancing to the westward wind.
Anyone entering into the danger zone of her life has always made her felt deeply disrespected. She would never allow nosy parkers to even watch her play a game of Sudoku, let alone doing something to her picture.
Pissed, she opted to endure silence. Flight over fight. Arousing an awareness could reveal more about her which would be better off with inaction.

xo, pampi