Alrighty, finally it’s Election Day!!! I’m a proud supporter of Senator Obama. He is young and confident and exudes charisma.
I was really glad to be able to catch about half an hour of the last presidential debate. Sen. Obama spoke with poise and simply by observing how he argued his point across, you would find him irresistibly charming by not just shooting down his opponent but explaining with patience how he would take actions according to his plans.
Take a look at their respective campaigning websites. You will immediately realise a difference. For one, Obama’s web pages are comprehensive and basically not trying to injure his opponent. Secondly, with so many issues to tackle, I felt that he has solutions to most core problems like how a parent would assist their children. There is a distinct difference in how they would like to improve the healthcare services. Finally, the candidate he has chosen to work with is Joe Biden. Great choice. I doubt Governor Sarah Palin would be able to guide America in times of crisis while Joe Biden would possibly be.
I am quite anxious and excited about the outcome. Best of luck to Senator Obama!
Yours faithfully,
Pamela Pang
Pamela Pang