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I have finished reading “The Picture of Dorian Gray”. It is the most fascinating novel I have read so far. I was entirely engaged to the book. Each brown page is filled with quotable phrases. Oscar Wilde is like a fine artist, painting the story perfectly for me with the most brilliant and vibrant colours in his palette. I absolutely want to give praise to the way he writes; I could picture almost each scene very vividly in my mind. Every part of the story seems to teach me something. I learned. Metaphors - a very powerful tool indeed. The final chapter was massive; impressive. And it satisfied my appetite for a person who likes tragedies. Authors who choose to write tragedies have got to come really strong on the emotional level in their writings. I’m currently reading another of Oscar’s literary works, 1892 Lady Windermere’s Fan. At the same time, got to read “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki. Thanks to my new-found acquaintance. When I was searching for it, I found it through you. :)) Hopefully by reading it and converting words to actions, I can be a Rich Pam Not Poor Pam.


I wonder is there any good in websites like “friendster”, “facebook” and even a blog. Are all these avenues for strangers to get to know you? I always have the impression that strangers do not have good intentions on the web. I wouldn’t know totally because I usually do not like to know people through the net. I find it dangerous. I guess I have proved this thought true on a few occasions. However, life has many surprises. I found a friend with no ulterior motives. And should I mention this, nobody knows till the flower blooms / withers.


Lately I’ve been blue. You’ll find the colour to my soul if I were to paint it for you. Happenings, not too pleasant really. And not forgetting – waiting.

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