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Labour Day

Watched Harold & Kumar 2 and I totally enjoyed it... I must admit I like silly movies. I should go rent the debut of this movie... I actually thought the ending was sweet. Especially the part where Kumar appeared at the wedding ceremony and said he loves Vanessa for who she is and would not try to change anything about her. Aww... I think that was really sweet. Hee... And his poem was absolutely hilarious...

Kumar Patel: [reciting the poem 'The Square Root of 3'] I'm sure that I will always be / A lonely number like root three / The three is all that's good and right, / Why must my three keep out of sight / Beneath the vicious square root sign, / I wish instead I were a nine / For nine could thwart this evil trick, / with just some quick arithmetic / I know I'll never see the sun, as 1.7321 / Such is my reality, a sad irrationality / When hark! What is this I see, / Another square root of a three / As quietly co-waltzing by, / Together now we multiply / To form a number we prefer, / Rejoicing as an integer / We break free from our mortal bonds / With the wave of magic wands / Our square root signs become unglued / Your love for me has been renewed.


Met an old friend for this movie and dinner. My observations of him... Looking better and not just that, behaving more & more like a gentleman. :) I'm sure girls will swoon at his manly disposition. Had a heart-to-heart chat with him. I din know he knows so much about me... Or perhaps, i'm just easy to understand. LOL. I know somehow the old me is not there... And seeing him reminded a lot about my good old past. Oh well, somehow I think that I can make myself happy already... *grinning* Went to arcade for a very short thrill of about 15 minutes before the movie... I don't know why this friend of mine likes to go arcade. Boys will be boys?


Then... I think I have an infatuation for guitars... I've been thinking about getting one and playing it, day in day out. Sometimes wishing I can be the female guitarist of a cool rock band... LOL. Then I shall be dubbed a rock chick. geex... Daydreaming daydreaming!


Current Soundtrack to my Life! [Rilo Kiley - Breakin' Up]

It's not as if New York City

Burnt down to the ground

Once you drove away

It's not as if the sun won't shine

When clouds up above

Wash the blues away

Are we breaking up

Are we breaking up

Is there trouble between you and I

Did my heart break enough

Did it break enough this time

Here's to all the pretty words

We will never speak

Here's to all the pretty girls

You're gonna meet

Am I breaking up

Am I breaking up

Is there trouble on the line

Did your heart break enough

Did it break enough this time

Ooh it feels good to be free

Ooh it feels good to be free

Ooh it feels good to be free

Betrayal is a thorny crown

You wear it well

Just like a king

Revenge is the saddest thing

Honey, I'm afraid to say

You deserve everything

Am i breaking up

Are we breaking up

Is there trouble between the lines

Did your heart break enough

Did it break enough this time

Ooh it feels good to be free

Ooh it feels good to be free

Ooh it feels good to be free

** I love Rilo Kiley!!! I like the female singer... Jenny Lewis!! Hot!


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