just by flipping through the pages of her photo album brought me back to childhood... whenever people asked me, "what regrets do you have so far?" i always replied nothing; what is meant to happen will happen. destined. however, recently when i thought of this question again, i regretted not going to my good old friend's secondary school to study normal academic. i chose to study in the express stream, at a school selected by the government due to my poor PSLE results. why do i look back and regret? simply because there wasn't much to reminisce about my high school. the people whom i was close to back then, i am still pretty much in contact with them, and they have a special place in my heart. as for the school itself, i really cannot state anything that makes me miss the building at all. maybe because there wasn't much unity in the classes which i belonged to. or perhaps, the fun times were always after school. (i'm the kind of person who doesn't like to stay longer in school without a valid reason) frankly, not even a thing that makes me wanna go back there. okie, if i think deeper, maybe basketball? yeah, i developed my liking for basketball when i was in high school...
hanging around my old pal's ex-classmates made me feel like a part of them which most of the time i would really envy their class unity!