yesterday evening i finally had my long awaited dinner with my everdearest Gillian!! i guess i'm a very "friend" person... the group of people whom i held on tight to our friendships are people whom i have determined their importance in my life. without these people. i'm just a soul without living proof memories. i'm truly glad that this group of old pals have good memories... so whatever i can recall, they do as well. the feelings are mutual... :)) talking to my dear gal reminded me a lot about our childhood days. the funny and silly things we did. our primary school mates and so on and so forth. being with gil just made me happy! she's one of those people you'll feel really good just by seeing them. her smile, the way she laughs and listens to you, also the sound of her sweeet voice... *grinz* if i were a guy, i definitely will fall for her! hehee...
back to today so far, slept till around 3pm. i know i'm a sleepyhead...
music... something i enjoy everyday!! can't imagine a day without music. life would be boring!
Alrighty, chill everybody... It's a Saturday! :)