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The rules are easy, just post 10 things that recently made you happy! Then tag 10 people and force them to post this meme on their LJs. Because it is good. Everyone needs a little happiness once in a while.

1) My Christmas gift from Kin my hon!!! ~=) [Whee`!!!]
2) Dressing up Happy my bitch with my dear folks and having my hon over @ my house on Christmas night! =]
3) Presents from my fave boss! Thanks Ms. Leong! *Smile*
4) All the moments spent with my hon! Good or bad. :):)
5) Dining with my parents on one of the Sundays! I LOVE MY FOLKS LOTS!!!
6) Cookies I received from Xue Ying my bestie! Yum yum... ;p
Any time spent with Yu Han... All the conversations, laughters etc.
8) Wearing the lil' black dress I truly like on Christmas Eve.
9) Christmas card I received from Gillian who faithfully followed the old Christmas tradition.
10) Having pleasant conversations with kind strangers.


1. Spell your name as it sounds
punk ian nyk, pam mer ler

2. Are you available?
no la!

3. What’s your favorite number?
nine & 21

4. Favorite color(s)?

5. Least favorite color?

6. What are you listening to?
La Noyee

7. Are you happy with your life right now?
Yes Yes Yes

8. Favorite Subject?
English i guess... and ... economics.. poly level..

9. Favorite smell?
VANILLA scent... chocolate and MORE chocolate... coffee... baking cookies, toasted bread.. mmm.. it's making me hungry.. and not forgetting the smell of my hon... hehee... ;p

10. How do you make money?
Rushing work for my boss! Giving part-time tuition... I enjoy both! :)

11. Are you outgoing?
Depends on who you are...

12. Do you like Big Mac’s?
I HAVEN'T TRIED and it doesn't APPEALS to me...

13. Do you own big sunglasses?
YEAP.. and btw how big is BIG?!!

14. Where do you wish you were right now?
On the bed with my hon in a land we wanna visit.. some kind of paradise.. uh-huh.. Hmmm.. perhaps in Paris or in Sistine Chapel with hon.. or or... having a really scrumptious breakfast @ an outdoor cafe with hon + my dog... ;p

15. What should you be doing right now?
Bathing? or visiting facebook? lol .

16. Do you have a crush on anyone right now?
I have an OPEN CRUSH!

1. Can you blow a bubble?
I think so...

2. Can you touch your toes?

3. Can you whistle?
not really...

4. Can you wiggle your ears?
no no... but my hon can.. he just did..

5. Can you roll your tongue?

6. Can you tie a cherry stem with your tongue?
i have attempted but failed. perhaps a bad kisser... =x

1. Did you ever want to be a doctor?
nah... i'll make careless mistakes..

2. Did you ever receive an engagement ring?
i will one day...

3. Did you ever want to be a fire fighter?
oh yes! u can read me...


1. Do you know how to swim?
ya.. a poor swimmer though..

2. Do you like roller coasters?
depends.. coz i'm pretty scared.. ':(

3. Do you own a bike?
nah.. do u mean bicycle or a motorbike leh?.. anyways, both i also dun have..


1. Does your car get good gas mileage?
i dun have a car la..

2. Does your family have family picnics?
when i was young.. i can remember once.. there was a choc cake.. my parents love me... :):)

3. Does your home have a bookcase?
eh.. i call it a bookshelf..

1. Have you ever been to Canada?

nope but i wanna...

2. Have you ever gone fishing?
i'm keen.. haven't gone...

3. Have you ever seen a celebrity?
i've seen sly sim also lo.. hahax.. eh.. ekin cheng, yang gong ru and xie ting feng.. belinda.. chen tai ming.. face-2-face interview with diana ser and i guess that's all bah...

4. Have you ever been on a motorcycle?
nopez.. but i can take the risk...


1. How many cars have you own?

2. How many jobs have you had?

3. How tall are you?
one point five five metres... i'm a shortie..


1. Last person you hung out with?
My hon and YU HAN!!! :]

2. Last thing you said out loud?
What did i say?...

3. Last time you ate at McDonalds?
Abt 2 hours ago before i type all these..

4. Last thing you bought?
A sexy lingerie... hehee... ;p


1. What is the temperature outside?
how would i noe.. i'm not the weather forecaster...

2. What time did you wake up?
around 9:07am



01. is your hair wet?

02. is your cell phone right by you?

03. do you miss someone?
he's beside me... oh yes.. my folks and my bitch, Happy!!! actually quite a lot...

04. are you wearing chapstick?
wad's tat?? scratches head

05. are you tired?
not really..

06. are you wearing pajamas?
nope.. but i wanna get the nightie i saw just now...

08. are you mad?
MAD... for u to judge...

09. are you upset?


01. recently done anything you regret?
not really..

02. ever lied?
who doesn't.. or i mean who hasn't?

03. ever stuck gum under a desk?
no no..

04. have you ever kicked someone?
yes... the person beside me..

05. ever tripped over your own feet?
silly but i did..


1. have you cursed?

2. have you gotten mad at someone?
i recalled... yes...


Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now?
eh yes..

Q: do you have any siblings?
mei you.. but not lonely though..

Q: do you want children?
of coz! maybe one or two... i'll give them fancy names.. they'll love me for it! :)

Q: do you smile often?
i think so... :):):)

Q: do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?
my shoes have no shoe laces..

Q: do you like your handwriting?

Q: are your toenails painted?

Q: whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in ?
eh.. the 6 stars hotel luxurious bed..

Q: what color shirt are you wearing?
red and white strips with gold print..

Q: what were you doing at 7pm yesterday?
having dinner with my hon..

Q. I can’t wait till:

ehhh.. hmmm.. ahhh.. mmm.. i become a over night millionaire... or heiress.. or someone powerful.. hehee..

1. Babe or baby:
2. Sweetie or cupcake: Sweetie
3. Darling or Sunshine: sunshine

10: When did you last cry?
2 days ago...

12: Are you a friendly person?

13: Whose bed did you sleep in last night?
my hon... wait a min.. why do u have to noe?...

15: Do you have any pets?

19: Ever cried on your friend’s shoulder?
is bf a friend?.. yes then..

20: Do you think that special someone will repost this?
perhaps not..


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