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sitting on my five-wheeled desk chair with my bulging tummy, i've been idling away since the hour i got up from bed @ approximately 1300 hours. i have no plans, no dates and no motivation to do anything other than having my late lunch, listening to mostly oldies on class 95 and staring @ my computer screen, hoping that the person on my mind (POMM) would pop a hi through my msn messenger. i'm jaded. i wanted to recall my dream i had early this morning but i couldn't. the moment i realized it was a dream at my subconscious state, i wanted to write it down badly. however, my willpower was somehow not strong enough to stir my lethargic self from opening those lazy eyes of mine. i thought to myself, i haven't had bad dreams or nightmares in quite a while. i wanna record it. it must have been my unusual early sleeping time of 0530 hours. i know it was insane but i really couldn't get to sleep or my brain cells kept haunting me about having a conversation with the POMM. well which didn't occur.

went on to surf jason mraz's webbie and discovered something. it is always good to read his blog. life seems to be somehow more colourful for him or perhaps he knew how to express it better in words. i'm @ a loss of vocabs about how i normally feel. weird al's having crappy songs and videos and somehow, these days things around me seem to export me back in time. when everything was simpler and when i was a happier soul. not having to worry much about $$, family, relationship and people around me.

still having pending thoughts on whether to work tomorrow. i might accompany my bf to the doctor's and subsequently spending the day with him most probably eating and shopping or to the movies. relationship is truly about commitment. i'm still wondering is it something i can give or is he the man i wanna give my heart to. sigh~ my heart is somehow torn to begin with. back track, if i were to get a "MC", what should my excuse be? or maybe i should just work and meet after that.

this friday would be the last day i see the little kiddos. their last day @ school. hurrays for them... i still gotta work. i'm so wishing and hoping that i get back to my supposed class of 2 turning 3 year olds. i like the class. *grinz* really. although i'll miss michael my sweetheart from the 3 year old class. michael's 1 of my favourites. i guess coz he's sticky with me. he'll hold my hand when he left his dad for class that friday, when we have to get to other places etc. he loves my digital watch. always thrilled by the "tee" sound and the change of display on the face. i just pray that i won't have to bath children but sometimes it was all alright. nothing really bad. oh and friday's red and green day. the day that i would look so mismatch. hehee.. and the kiddies would be dressed in those colours too.. i've gotta snap pictures man! sense a little excitement in me now. have to hunt for the outfit soon.

i'm really hoping with all my heart and soul something magical would happen.
anyways, i should be contented.


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