christmas is making me really nervy... i haven't had it properly planned for more than three-quarter of the day... i know as of 2230hrs of 25122006 would be the 1st christmas i ever spend with a someone special... however, what are some meaningful things i could do with friend(s) for the day... i've been meditating for many days... friends asked and made me all the more anxious... unable to provide a proper plan... this made me just wanna stay at home till 2130hrs... christmas without CHRIST is truly meaningless... am i gonna spend christmas without CHRIST this year? CHRIST is the reason for CHRISTmas... i haven't had any idea why this year is similar to the previous... emotions still unsettled... i kept recounting the past... whyyy? can i make things right? God please take control and make things seem right for You, whatever i'm experiencing... i don't wanna drift too far apart... i'm LOST... i want to be back on the oasis... i'm growing old... i don't ...