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listening to Bob Marley's "No Women No Cry"
this song never fails to make me feel better..
no men no cry by pam though


the past few days were pretty neutral...
my mom spoke to me that day...
my life should be taking a turn soon, i hope...
sometimes i felt like i'm forced to face adulthood...
my mom gave me a necklace...
wearing it reminded me - you're an adult now...
i'll treasure it...
i love my parents...
just not too sure how to express it...


i realized my general knowledge is really poor...
i got to
i feel dumb...
i can't recall facts from my geography textbooks...


met up with someone i don't know but definitely need to...
felt like a blind date...
without flowers as the indicator though...
i don't know why and don't bother to ask...
the moment we sat down...
we chatted probably non-stop for 3 straight hours...
all i did was blabber about things that matter and many which did not...
it was so comfortable...
felt like an old friend...
an old pair of jeans i chose to wear...
and felt yes, a long lost feeling...


was on the way home from bukit timah...
saw a lady on a scooter...
maybe i should do that in the coming year...
but i guess pop and mom would strongly be against it...
so at the back of my head, "forget it."


insomnia for days already...
tell me why...
i don't even know what to do...
my mind is thinking yes but still...
i'm exhausted...
so why can't i sleep...
if there's a fairy tale godmother...
i only have a very simple wish...
just let me sleep...
better luck for me tonight...
i wish and i hope...


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