1 of the reasons i'm back to blogging is because of someone...
thanks for believing that i'm a good/decent person...
when many might have thought otherwise...
truth is, i'm not a nice person...
i have countless, millions of bad intentions any moment...
days have passed...
i said to myself, "have we lost touch?"...
where'd you go...
i think about you daily...
it only confirms one thing...
i have to acknowledge that i did like you a lot...
it is just how high the intensity...
if i expressed not...
i would be deceiving myself...
take care of yourself...
because i did not know how to...
nowadays i just nose bleed out of the blue...
no, there weren't any sexy hunks...
too heaty i guess...
makes me feel like a real human though...
sometimes a lot of things just seemed so unreal...
you're awake but somehow things just shocked you so hard...
you wished it was only a dream...
a nightmare...
a nightmare which felt so real...
it was then when reality bit the hell out of you...
i'm a pessimist?
or an optimist...
people can't determine this for me...
i need to start a new life...
listening to: Augustana - Boston