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Showing posts from March, 2009

Received Owls

** Fauna Owls Bracelet ** Very :) with my bracelet & online shopping experience! Love, Pampi


2009.03.28 [Ronkey Donkey's Advance Bird-day Celebration] ** At Cedele, Borders ** ** My Cute Gift to Ronkey Donkey ** ** Our Couple Tees - "Luckiest T-Shirt Ever" from Threadless ** Love, Pampi

In Loving Memory of Mao Kan

** Our Most Precious Mao ** ** Our Most Precious Moments With Mao ** 1998 - 2009 Departed peacefully on 2009.03.24, 16:50hrs in the arms of his loved ones We love you & miss you You will always live in our hearts ♥ Love, Your Owner & Jie-jie

Quote Pam!

So I guess dark clouds have cleared and I have completely forgotten about what happened previously which was bad... It's good to forget about the bad sometimes... I guess. - Pamela

Happy is Happy

*Bought new treats for Happy to savour and clean her teeth... Guess it really works for the tasting part... She loves it! :)* Love, Pampi (ooloo)

Marley & Me

*Marley & Me* Watch with my bestie, Xue Ying yesterday night... The movie was very much like a drama series... Truly down-to-earth... And not much to expect... Nevertheless, it was realistic and I immersed myself totally into the characters' roles as a typical newly-wed to their honeymoon days to them establishing a family, and ultimately trying to maintain it as a close-knitted one, and so on... (how they took on life...) All these time, Marley was there and part of the journey. When Marley finally passed on, I applaud him for being the Best Friend they never had... Love, Pampi (ooloo)

Pam Petite - Protect Me From The Rain

*Protect Me From The Rain * I guess it's the Monsoon Season that's why Singapore is getting the rain spells... Haven't been feeling healthy for a while... Been sneezing, experiencing runny nose & basically inactive from not exercising. I should get on my jogging shoes soon! Love, Pampi (OOlOO)

Happy & Me!

While enjoying my meal... Love, Pampi (OOlOO)

Just Daydreaming

So I realised that I haven't type anything informative of myself in the longest time... Life goes on well I guess... But no matter how good and carefree I'm living my life, I always yearn to be residing somewhere else more relaxing and doing something I genuinely love . I'll like to have professions such as private pre-school teacher, groomer for miniature pooches, artist / photographer. The life I imagined I'll have is peaceful, slow & quiet. Just where I would love to belong. Saying so doesn't mean that I dread my life here in Singapore, it just simply imply that I prefer to be closer to nature. Where there's a garden at your front yard, all you need to worry about is that your pet dog might have a tick sucking into the skin and feeding on its blood. You wouldn't have much to worry, everyday children come to your house for fun and hands-on lessons, they may learn how to bath your pet kitty, tie ribbons into bows for art & craft and everybody is ...

Dried Flowers

Dried Flowers From My 21st Birthday! I'm just being nostalgic I guess... :x xoxoxo, Pampi (OOlOO)

Us & Love

The Picture Says It All... We're :) Love, Pampi (OOlOO)