So I realised that I haven't type anything informative of myself in the longest time... Life goes on well I guess... But no matter how good and carefree I'm living my life, I always yearn to be residing somewhere else more relaxing and doing something I genuinely love . I'll like to have professions such as private pre-school teacher, groomer for miniature pooches, artist / photographer. The life I imagined I'll have is peaceful, slow & quiet. Just where I would love to belong. Saying so doesn't mean that I dread my life here in Singapore, it just simply imply that I prefer to be closer to nature. Where there's a garden at your front yard, all you need to worry about is that your pet dog might have a tick sucking into the skin and feeding on its blood. You wouldn't have much to worry, everyday children come to your house for fun and hands-on lessons, they may learn how to bath your pet kitty, tie ribbons into bows for art & craft and everybody is ...